Happy new year to all! Here is the image I had chosen for my paper New year cards. I have taken it during my trip to British Columbia in September 2011. There was already snow during my stay there. I called this image "Symetries" for obvious...

July 21st is Belgium National Day. After continuous bad weather for the last few weeks, the weather was showing some improvement so I decided to go Brussels to see the military parade and enjoy the lively atmosphere of this special day. I would of course not go without a camera and I decided to give myself a mission: one body and one tele-lens to go on an urban safari. My initial idea was to shoot everything in black and white (but using RAW to make sure I could use the colour images if I preferred to). In the end, I did not (yet) convert any of them to black and white. Although some of them are certainly worth a conversion, the colours were everywhere on such a day, so it was better to show them.

Belgium colours in the sky of Brussels

Here is a selection of what I saw.